Project Description

This project required moving through the standard software development phases to design, implement, and test a complete Java program consisting of multiple source code files and JUnit test cases. The model for this project consisted of a grid populated by different types of automata. Each automaton is programmed with specific behaviors and the simulation runs through a specific number of steps specified by the user. On any given step, each automaton acts according to its type. At the end of the total number of steps, the user can see a snapshot of the individual automata in the grid. This was the first project from CSC 216 - Programming Concepts and required application of fundamental object-oriented programming concepts, such as polymorphism, inheritance, and composition. Some aspects of the program have been changed from the original. The source code and further detail on this project is available in the file on Github.

Project Details

  • Object-oriented Programming
  • Polymorphism
  • Inheritance
  • Composition
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